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"Death Song" Of Madhav Prasad Ghimire Played After His Death

A song was released after the death of National Poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire on August 18, 2020, on Setopati youtube channel which was written 60 years ago by Madhav Prasad Ghimire. The title of the song was 'Tayasari hawos maranaa".
Song Written by National poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire to Play After His Death. Madhav Prasad Ghimire funeral song, nepali funeral song, nepali sad song, Madhav Prasad Ghimire, Nepali  National Poet
Madhav Prasad Ghimire
Ghimire requested to record the song written by him 60 years ago and release it only after his death. He also requested not to play this song during his alive. One of his family members said that the national poet wanted to play this song at his funeral. So, all the recording process was done in secret and only five people were known about the song during the recording process. A member of the Ghimire family, Ashesh Sharma, and Mandira Dhungel went to meet music composer Ashish Aviral. They discussed this matter maintaining high secrecy. After knowing all the matters music composer Ashish accepted the offer and they recorded the song and handed the final version of the song to the Ghimire family. After the death of National poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire on August 18, 2020, at 5:55 pm this song was released on Youtube.

 Listen Song Here: Tyasari Hos Marana  


त्यसरी होओस् मरण
 जसरी सुत्छन् तारमा, गीतका चारु चरण 
हिमालचुली देशमा, दिनको शान्त भेषमा
 जसरी गर्छन् विश्राम, सूर्यका स्वर्ण किरण
 त्यसरी होओस् मरण ।। 

 सुन्दर सृष्टि निहारी, सुखैले चिम्लूँ नयन
 विहानीपख रातको, कुसुम पारिजातको
 जसरी जान्छ झरेर, भुइँमा विनापवन
 त्यसरी होओस् मरण ।।

 मुटुमा चोट नपरी, टुटेर जाओस् बन्धन
 बादलको सेतो ह्रासमा, दुइटा मूर्ति पासमा
 जसरी शिर नुहाई, आफैंमा हुन्छन् अर्पण
 त्यसरी होओस् मरण ।। 

 अमरापुरी सभामा आफैंलाई गरूँ वरण 
त्यसरी होओस् मरण ।। 

 Song Information: 

  • Song: Tyasari Hos Marana 
  • Type of song: Adhunik selo 
  • Lyrics: Kabibar Madhav Prasad Ghimire
  • Music Concept: Shanti Adhikari ( Daughter of Madhav Prasad Ghimire)
  • Music Composer: Ashish Abiral
  •  Arranger: Ashish Abiral
  • Singer: Karna Das
  • Flute: Gopal Ghatani
  • Duff, Madal and Tabla: Bhuwan Gandharva
  • Sarangi: Hemanta Kancha Rasaily 
  • Guitar: Sanjeev Baraily 
  • Base Guitar: Anup Das 
  • Group Violin: Norbu Chiring Aapa, Mohan Krishna Karki Dhali, Ganesh Pariyar Manohar Sunam and Rabin Karki Dhali 
  • Recording, Mixing and Mastring: HBN Kismat 
  •  Special thanks: Ananda Raj Khanal. 
  • Producer: Shanti Adhikari, Ashesh k. Sharma and Mandira Dhungel. 
  • Recording Studio: Raaga Records 
  • Photo: Narayan Maharjan, Nisha Bhandari, Madan Puruskar Pustakalaya, Kumar Ale 
  •  Video Edit: Vivek Khimdung

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